Getting back on the water with PROvisioner, Abbie Schuster


Checking in with Abbie, who added Mom to her many titles this year

Tougher task...casting to a cruising 25lb striper on the flats or changing a squirmy, crying baby at 2a.m.?

Well I would have to say I am more in my element on the flats and seem to better understand why a striper did or didn't eat than why this infant is screaming at me. However, calming her and listening to her happily eat and coo is just as gratifying as landing a fish on the flats.

You've experienced Martha's Vineyard as a guide and shop owner. Do you see it any differently now as a Mom?

Yes! There is an amazing parenting community that I was totally unaware of. There are some great resources for new parents on the island and many inspiring women who also own businesses and have families. So many of my clients have been so great to reach out with advice, support and baby gear. I was a bit intimidated to tell everyone that I was pregnant (even when it was quite obvious). I didn't want the fact that I am a mom to have a negative impact on my guide business. So far this has not been the case, in fact people have been stopping by the shop to book trips and meet Kismet's newest edition.

What are you most excited about taking on as a guide these days?

I am excited to get back on the water and do what I love most. I am ready to find balance between my new life as a mom and guiding. I actually think this will be beneficial for everyone around me as the heat of guide season can turn me into an overworked (but still happy) crazy person. I'm also really excited for the fly shop this year. We have redesigned the shop, Kismet Outfitters, and have tons of new inventory.

Abbie is a passionate guide that represents everything we love about our SLP community. We have no doubt that Abbie will master the "guiding + momming thing." If you are on the island, do not miss a chance to get on the water with Abbie. You can learn more about her services here

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